by Nancy LaPointe | Aug 7, 2015
1) Identify the point(s) that feel impossibly negative. Speak the thought aloud. “Nobody cares if I write a blog this week or not.” 2) Stop to evaluate if it’s really true or just feels true right now. Well, there was that one person who told me she looks... by Nancy LaPointe | Aug 6, 2015
“For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps. He never sinned, nor ever deceived anyone; He did not retaliate when he was insulted, nor threaten revenge when he... by Nancy LaPointe | Jul 24, 2015
For those of us who call ourselves Christians, the overload of articles on the coming doom is off the charts. Nonbelievers scoff and mock and continue to live in their ignorant bliss. Actually, Christians, for the most part, are also keeping blinders on and ignoring... by Nancy LaPointe | Jul 3, 2015
This week in my prayer time I felt the Lord impressing this on me strongly. People do not seem to understand that we have now moved into a new era. Our constitution is gone. Our freedoms and rights are gone. We can grieve, and we will, but we must seek Him for the... by Nancy LaPointe | Jun 22, 2015
Might appear to be a strange title. But then, only strange to those who have not yet been there … in the wilderness, wrestling with God. Many of us can attest to our wilderness experience being a contest of wills. My will versus God’s will. Of course, in the beginning... by Nancy LaPointe | Jun 12, 2015
Today I am waking up to the realization that the world in front of me has gone insane. People are like little robots, programmed to speak whatever is repeated again and again ad nauseum. Already, from taking in my first sentences, some will yell, “judging!” No,...