Nancy Lapointe BSW, MPC, CLC
Author, Christian Counselor, Life Coach
Helping You Discover Your Destiny
Thank you for stopping by! My desire is that you find encouragement on this site, and maybe even learn something new. The days we’re living in are filled with confusion, chaos and conflict. I feel I’ve been called to assist people in finding peace in the storms. Sometimes we just need a little help, a prayer, or a listening ear. You will quickly see that my perspective is based on faith in God. I don’t have all the answers but He does! My prayer is that you will learn to seek Him in all things and walk in peace, no matter what is going on around you. Please take a stroll through the various areas I have to offer and see what interests and inspires you. I would love to hear from you. You have a calling and a destiny to fulfill—yes, you! So don’t wait, pursue it now!
Nancy's View Podcast
Join me as I discuss spiritual perspectives on current issues. Each week I will be sharing a different topic of interest. You are welcome to submit topics to me. Can’t wait to hear from you!
Apathy, complacency and slumber
Helping You Achieve Success
Quarantine Fatigue
We’ve reached a place in this time of isolation that has lost its novelty. Family time, rest, and even time outdoors has reached a point of monotony for some. People are restless. We can see the good that has come from it, but too much of even a good thing has the possibility of tipping the scales in a negative direction. Then there are those who have lost income and lost loved ones. It’s a tough time. Many people are reporting feeling stressed, stuck, trapped, not knowing what to expect, asking when this will end? Tensions mount, spouses get on each other’s last nerve, and too much togetherness triggers conflict.
It will be awhile before we see a total freedom from all restrictions. As a counselor listening to others this week, as well as facing my own struggles, I’m going to share a few suggestions and hope they might be helpful.
- Turn off the news. One update a day is adequate. Overloading on statistics, deaths, political rhetoric, and all levels of opinions can wear you down. Turn it off! Avoid social media hype.
- Focus on your health: sunshine, fresh air, exercise,

When God calls you to something, He is not always calling you to succeed, He’s calling you to obey! The success of the calling is up to Him; the obedience is up to you.
Quarantine Fatigue
We’ve reached a place in this time of isolation that has lost its novelty. Family time, rest, and even time outdoors has reached a point of monotony for some. People are restless. We can see the good that has come from it, but too much of even a good thing has the possibility of tipping the scales in a negative...
Spiritual or Physical…or both
Sun rays bursting through my windows. Dogs stretched out, soaking up the warmth. The sound of a tree trimmer buzzing off in the distance. Peaceful. Tranquil. Thoughts about the passage of scripture I just read are slowly permeating my soul. Prayer comes easily,...
“I Do Not Remember”
By Francis Frangipane How little we understand of eternal redemption! How many times will God forgive you? If you have truly set your heart to follow Him, He will cancel your sins as often as you ask. Will He forgive you of the worst sin you can think of? Yes! You may...
Do You Have Solid Discernment?
I’ve written much about deception and discernment. There is a reason for that. Throughout my life, people have attempted to deceive me, and unfortunately some have succeeded. It’s a very painful experience, especially if the deception comes from someone you love and...
Prepper Expert: U.S. Church Not Ready for What’s Coming
The American church is weak. It’s an unfortunate truth says Jake McCandless, the head of Prophecy Simplified and the author of the new book “Spiritual Prepper: Tapping Into Overlooked Prophecies To Prepare You For Doomsday.”“Following Christ is not an easy road,” said...
Do you understand this season?
Daniel 2:21 (NKJV)21 And He changes the times and the seasons;He removes kings and raises up kings;He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to those who have understanding. It’s time my dear friends, for us to KNOW the times and seasons and to realize the season we...
About Me
Nancy LaPointe is a Pastoral Counselor, Certified Life Coach, author and ordained pastor. She has written for newspapers, newsletters, blogs, and magazines for about twenty years, always with a focus on the power of God’s healing. Her three published books have Christian themes and a mission to be thought provoking for her readers.
Leading women’s retreats and Bible studies, she is passionate about helping people find emotional healing and learning to walk in freedom. Nancy enjoys living with her family in the beautiful mountains of New Mexico.

Find Your Balance. Set Your Goals. Take A Challenge. Reward Yourself.
Are you satisfied with your choices?
Are you fulfilled?
Are you at peace?
Are you excited about your future?
If you answered “no” to any of these, it might be that you could benefit from a little help to refine your focus or determine a new direction.
Many times we feel “stuck”, bogged down, or that we can’t make changes for all kinds of reasons. The truth is that most of the time that is not true, and there are options for change! We just need a little help to explore possibilities and get motivated.
Whether you need some basic coaching in a specific area of your life, or some digging deeper into personal issues counseling, I am here for you! We can work online, through video chat,
email, phone, or in person, whatever works best for you and your schedule.
Think about it. Pray about it. Make that move toward positive change! You won’t regret it!
Fees for Life Coaching or Counseling: $50 per one hour session. Weekly sessions are recommended; however, other plans are available. (Payment online through this site.)