In TIME TO GROW: CHRISTIAN LIFE COACHING we will help you to focus on your spiritual life. Your desire to grow closer to God and walk a Spirit filled walk daily will be the impetus for moving you forward.
Nancy LaPointe
is a Certified Life Coach, but in addition she has a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling from an accredited seminary. She will take your vision for spiritual growth and help you to develop a workable plan to reach your goals.
Are You Ready For Change?
Time To Grow:
Christian Life Coaching
You may have spiritual goals not mentioned here that are within the scope of Christian coaching. Coaching is not counseling. Coaches assist in delving into your own inner resources of insight and ability. Self discovery is the best discovery! As Christians, however, we know that the Holy Spirit is our guide and we depend on Him for direction.
The most effective coaching results require meeting at least weekly, or twice a month. There should be consistency in order to know you are staying on track and desiring some accountability. Coaching can take place in person, by telephone, or by video chat. In some cases, sessions can be done by email, but this lacks personal interaction that can be very beneficial for growth.
Christian Life Coaching has a fee of $50 per session. Sessions last approximately one hour. Payment for sessions can be easily made online via PayPal or credit card prior to each session. The initial session is free. After the first visit, should you decide the coach is not a good fit for your needs, there is no obligation.
If, in the process of life coaching sessions, it is determined that you would benefit from counseling ministry, you can choose from three options:

Continue coaching while also participating in counseling ministry (in which case you would be required to pay for both. Counseling ministry is $50 per session.)
Appointments are available weekdays only, (9-5 MST) and some evening appointment times are open.
To inquire further, please feel free to contact:
You can find recommendations, experience and other profile information on Nancy LaPointe at:
“Nancy is one of the most compassionate and caring people I know. She’s a leader and uses her gifts and talents to serve others effectively.”
“Nancy inspired me to walk closer to God through her insight into the Word of God and her shared personal experiences. To me, as to her many beneficiaries, Nancy is a center of Godly wisdom, an extension of prayer ministry, and an unfailing pillar of strength.”
“Nancy LaPointe counseled me with wisdom and guidance from the Holy Spirit. She is gentle and not afraid to speak the truth. She is eager to see people set free from the lies we believe.”