For those of us who call ourselves Christians, the overload of articles on the coming doom is off the charts. Nonbelievers scoff and mock and continue to live in their ignorant bliss. Actually, Christians, for the most part, are also keeping blinders on and ignoring the warnings. Interestingly, there are as many secular news stories on financial collapse, food shortages, bank failures and so on as there are from the spiritual realm. It seems as though most people are aware of changing times in the world whether they are believers in Christ or not. It’s just that no one feels prepared in any way to walk the journey that is ahead.

I have written several articles on warnings of coming disasters. In my prayer times, the Lord has cautioned me that many of these reports are true and He has advised me of some things to do. I have no idea when or where these things will occur. I only know that this is the time to get your heart right with God. It’s time to stop procrastinating facing sin and negligence of the things of God. I know this message is for someone specifically wrestling with the Holy Spirit today. He is wooing you, calling you, and expecting you to move into that fresh place of deliverance and commitment. Your reward will be amazing. 

My friends, please stop following false prophets who continually bombard us with their messages of how soon all will be easy, plentiful, and abundant materially.  These are lies. Troubling times are on the horizon. Listening to those platitudes will not bring you to a place of strength and wisdom. Get into the Word of God every day and begin finding truth and manna to sustain you in the coming days. Ask God to confirm what you’re hearing. Ask Him to give you direction. Don’t ask some so-called prophet for a “word”.   Ask your Abba Father for a word. That word will be the one that sets your feet on the path you need to be walking. God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7  The way to stand strong in adversity with power, love and a sound mind is to stay as close to the Father as you can. He will honor your heart for Him and bless you accordingly.