Might appear to be a strange title. But then, only strange to those who have not yet been there … in the wilderness, wrestling with God. Many of us can attest to our wilderness experience being a contest of wills.

My will versus God’s will.

Of course, in the beginning we do not see it that way at all. We are so sure that we are seeking to do only the will of God, and that our hearts are pure and right. God, in His infinite wisdom, surely shakes His head as He watches and listens to us. When He takes us at our word and places us into that place of refining, I’m sure He sighs heavily as He observes our kicking and screaming and doubting and pleading.

I spent seven years wrestling with God.

It was a miserable place. I was absolutely sure I was on track, following passions and desires that I was convinced were His as well. Why was it taking so long for God to understand me? Funny now, but definitely not at the time. There were layers of doubt, unbelief and control issues to be sifted out. Or, more accurately, grated off. It was painful. My Father, as a good Abba, continually whispered the object lesson into the ears of my heart. “Rest in Me.” Over and over again these words bombarded my soul, and yet I fought on to achieve my goals.

When at last I realized He was not going to silence His directive, I dug into His Word and studied what that meant—to REST in Him. It sounds simple, but it’s so complicated … to a driven, achievement-oriented soul.

The world is spinning out of control every day. We watch news reports, listen to prophets, teachers and leaders comparing their predictions to our Bible lessons. No doubt about it, trouble is looming on the horizon for our country. That, in the midst of our own personal battles, sometimes seems overwhelming.

Where do we turn to find true peace?

There’s only one place.

You know where that is.

Resting in the arms of the Savior is the only place to run, to hide, to escape, to breathe. No human can provide that. No achievement, no government, no lover, nothing, except Jesus. Living in His rest means that no matter what whirlwind of pain spins around you, you have the express ability to relax, be at peace and walk through it with Him.

It’s a choice.

Don’t be like me and take seven years of battling to experience the joy of this valuable gift. If you find yourself exhausted from wrestling, stop—go to Him, and surrender your will totally and completely, so that resting in Him puts the brakes on the roller coaster and quiets your heart.

He longs to hold His children close and soothe their anxious souls. My life is different now. There is no comparison.

The wrestling match is over. He won! And I won!

“For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, ‘Fear not, I will help you.'”
~ Isaiah 41:13