Prayer Power

Prayer Power

Sometimes the battle weary soldier feels transported into a state of nothingness. That feeling of “I know the enemy is relentlessly attacking and wearing me down, but I’ve lost the strength, both mentally and physically, to continue fighting.” What causes him to get...
Power over Darkness

Power over Darkness

4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds,….., bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,  2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (NKJV) When are we going to get it? We live in a battle zone! Why is...
A New Level of Spiritual Warfare, Part 3

A New Level of Spiritual Warfare, Part 3

A New Level of Spiritual Warfare…..Part 3 Nancy LaPointe I hope you have read and thought about the first two installments of this series. The Lord put on my heart an urgency to share these things, and they are serious. Daily I see Christians who are blindly going on...
New Level of Spiritual Warfare Part 2

New Level of Spiritual Warfare Part 2

New Level of Spiritual Warfare Today I want to continue sharing some things the Lord has been showing me regarding spiritual warfare. Last week I related some thoughts about our need to be constantly tuned in to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Because the level of...
A New Level Of Warfare

A New Level Of Warfare

I’m going to be posting a series on a new level of spiritual warfare that the Lord has been showing me. Please pray over this and I welcome any feedback. I don’t know what day it was, but a few months ago the Lord revealed to me that a new level of evil had been...
Peace On a One Way Street

Peace On a One Way Street

What is stabbing your heart today? What’s behind the deep, throbbing pain keeping you awake at night? You are busy all day long, but there’s always that moment where you stop and almost double over as that one things eats away at your soul. It seems God is silent when...