What is stabbing your heart today? What’s behind the deep, throbbing pain keeping you awake at night? You are busy all day long, but there’s always that moment where you stop and almost double over as that one things eats away at your soul. It seems God is silent when you call out to Him. It appears that no one can help. It’s such a difficult and hopeless situation. And you wonder if anyone really cares. You ask God and yourself what reason you shoud have to dare to hope. Nothing has come along yet to resolve the situation.

Many of us have walked this journey of despair and fear and hopelessness. I can remember times throughout my life when all these questions were wearing away my faith and trust in God, and in people.  Believe it or not, you are not alone. More people than you can ever imagine are dealing with unseen pain. If you’re looking at social media, you would decide that everyone else is partying, happy, and living the good life. Everyone but you. What a magnificent deception!

We are actually quite adept at covering up our fears, worries and depression. We put on a strong persona and march on. And secretly, we wish that someone would come along and reach out in love and take the pain away. Occasionally that happens. Usually it doesn’t.

There is only One Who can truly touch our soul, and heal the pain. Why doesn’t He act faster? Why doesn’t He fix the problem NOW so that I can move on? Does He really care? Your Abba Father is your Daddy, your Papa, the One Who loves you beyond what any human person can offer. Keep believing that. Keep trusting that Truth. Know that He works all things together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purposes. (Romans 8:28)

My dear friends, our world is in a big mess. You already know that. Lawlessness is spinning around us. Not only do we face personal issues, but we face chaos on a worldwide scale. NOW IS THE TIME to draw near to God. NOW IS THE TIME to get your heart right. NOW IS THE TIME to press in, trust in Him and realize that it’s the only answer to having peace in the midst of the storm.

Deception is rampant. Get up each morning and praise your Father and ask Him for discernment for the day. Learn how to hear the still, small Voice that warns you when you’re in danger. That Voice guides your decisions. That Voice pours out peace on your soul when troubles abound. It’s the only answer. He is the only way to peace. He hears your every cry. His timing may not seem right to you, but it’s perfect. Trust that. If you’re His and walking with Him, He is orchestrating every detail of your situation and you can be assured that you are in good hands.

If you need prayer, please let me know. I will lift you up to the Father and encourage you in any way I can. Be ready to lay down all your own epectations and desires, to be submitted to His plan. The benefits are limitless! He has the answer to your question; He has healing for your pain. He loves you deeply. Don’t doubt! Declare your faith boldly and see what happens. Doubt and unbelief are planted and nurtured by the enemy of your soul. Don’t stand in agreement with that. It will bring you down and keep you in turmoil.  Look up, keeping your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith. Your redemption draws nigh.  Shalom.