A New Level of Spiritual Warfare…..Part 3 Nancy LaPointe

I hope you have read and thought about the first two installments of this series. The Lord put on my heart an urgency to share these things, and they are serious. Daily I see Christians who are blindly going on with their activities, ignoring the warnings the Lord is giving. There is a dangerous attitude that “nothing will happen to me” since I was baptized and believe in Jesus. Please take time to stop and ask your Father what He wants from you at this time, and really pay attention to His answer. It could be a life or death matter.

Lawlessness is increasing sharply in our land. The love of many has grown cold and is growing colder each day. (Matt 24:12) Hearts are hardened and violence abounds. As believers, we must be tuned in to the Voice of the Spirit for regular direction and guidance—for ourselves and for our families.

As I shared in Part 1, the Lord revealed to me that a new level of evil has been unleashed on the earth. He has lifted much of His old order of protections. He has warned His children again and again that judgment is coming. There are many scoffers. Don’t make the mistake of joining those ranks. Pray for discernment. Be ready to obey whatever He asks of you. It could save your life or the lives of your loved ones. He wants none to perish.

In Part 2, I told you about the ways that unhealed wounds, unforgiveness or sin can put a barrier between you and God, so that demonic forces are drawn to you, wreaking havoc in your life. It’s urgently imperative that you address your issues and get right with God now. When much more difficult days come, you need all your spiritual strength to stand firm against the enemy, leaving him no open doors for entry into your life.

Today, my final word (I think) involves the importance of utilizing the power within you that is yours if Yeshua Jesus lives in you. If you are a born again believer, you hold the keys to the Kingdom of Heaven. You wield the weapons for victory on this earth as well. If you do not use them, you are toast….emotionally, physically, and spiritually.  It’s time to stop being lazy, wimpy Christians. We have power beyond any imaginable force. If we don’t use it, we will be defeated….which is in essence our choice, not God’s.

Throughout God’s Word He teaches us these principles. And yet, most Christians just fall into the pace of the world, many living in depression, defeat, and denial. What a slap in the face of our God who has given us all we need to be overcomers! (2 Peter 1:3-4)

It’s time to rise up, take authority over the flesh, the demonic world, and the negativity that steals, kills and destroys. The Lord has instructed us to speak blessings not curses. Stop speaking curses over your life, your kids, your jobs, your church.

I have been so disillusioned with preachers who “speak things into existence” constantly telling people to claim this or that, which usually involves material wealth. So disgusted with the material mindset. Well, the devil uses that too!! Because of that disgust, I have neglected to speak out in faith, claiming the things of God that are important to Him. He has told us to speak His Word, His promises, boldly going before His Throne of grace, and believe you have what you ask of Him. (Hebrews 4)  No….not focusing on a Mercedes, but boldly asking for healing, salvation for loved ones, deliverance for the ones held captive, and so on. Boldly! He is pleased and blessed when we speak blessing, when we speak faith, believing in His power to produce, heal, deliver. (Mark 11:24-25)

When we speak negativity, “I’ll never have a good job.  Nobody will ever ask me to teach. My family are all losers,” etc., we should not expect any positive changes. We are coming into agreement with the enemy and saying to God that His promises are worthless. We are double minded, and should not expect anything from God.. (James 1:8; James 4:8). Start proclaiming victory out loud. He will bless you for it.

As the days grow darker, when all around us is looking grim, we must put on the full armor of God, (Ephes 6), rise up, take authority and keep our eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfector of our faith. (Heb 12:2)  If you are not ready or able to do that, trouble is on your horizon. You have all the tools, the weapons of warfare at your fingertips.( 2 Cor 10:4) It’s a matter of believing and using them. It’s up to you.

Spiritual warfare is all about knowing who you are in Christ. Knowing what power you hold. Knowing and standing firm when the fiery arrows come at you. If you wait to try and figure it out when the war is in full attack, it might be too late. Get ready now. Your life may depend on it.