Resting is a choice

Happy Fall Y’all!! It really thrilled my heart to learn that a couple of people verbalized missing my blog posts.  Thanks!  Life has been really crazy in my world the past few months.  We’ve had two deaths in our family, one near death, two...

Heeding the Voice

It’s mid-August and I feel as though I missed summer altogether.  Most of you know that we spent weeks in another city in cancer treatment, which ate up our summer, or at least it felt that way.  Now, as the days get shorter and cooler and people are...

At peace with everyone?

Do you ever have days where you wonder if you actually landed from another planet? Lately there have been several times when people’s behaviors toward me caused me to stop and scratch my head, wondering how I missed something. I have two people in my life, a...

Pushing through the dirt

This morning is one of those I’ve longed for over the winter months. My deck overlooks a glorious forest of evergreens, purple mountains and vast blue skies. It’s almost heaven, to mimic John Denver a bit. To sit in my rocking chair, sipping hot coffee,...


Sharing a word from the Lord to Julie Whedbee, Tuesday, March 19, 2013 BEWARE OF WOLVES IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING Beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing. There are many powerful leaders around the world working together, and they are operating with total...