Happy Fall Y’all!!

It really thrilled my heart to learn that a couple of people verbalized missing my blog posts.  Thanks!  Life has been really crazy in my world the past few months.  We’ve had two deaths in our family, one near death, two in cancer treatment, and various less-serious crises befalling us.  I have no doubt that you too have been battling the ills of life. 

Everyone I meet seems to be in that state.  Such is life in 2013!  And now we get to experience a government shut down.  I used to say “what next?” but I never say that anymore, for obvious reasons.  Maybe it’s best not to know what’s next.  My newest motto is definitely “one day at a time.”

My book, “Living in God’s Rest…At Peace in a Chaotic World” is still selling, plodding along, undoubtedly going into the exact hands God has prepared to hold it.  It’s His book to do with as He chooses.  I never stress about sales.  I have always known that whoever needed the message would find it, be led to it by the Lord, and it will accomplish whatever purpose He has in mind.  That leaves me in perfect peace.  I will admit that over the past few months, as I have been living in a chaotic world, there have been numerous occasions to practice what I preach!  Resting in God is a choice.  We can struggle and fight and rebel and wear ourselves out, but the choice to live in His rest will never fail to bring inner peace.  And outer peace as well.  Peace is contagious too.  When we remain calm, walking in peace, those around us, those drama queens and kings, and those who live to fret, can catch the Spirit of Peace from us even when they aren’t conscious of what’s invading their souls.  It’s the work of the Lord as He smiles and nods and injects into the heart that calming, restorative reassurance that everything is going to be okay; it’s all in His hands.  I love that, don’t you?

Some issues take more time than others.  I have peace in some areas where turmoil used to dwell.  In other areas I’m still practicing the Presence and learning better ways to let go and let God.  We are always a work in progress.  It actually helps me to look back and realize how far I’ve come and that if I can find peace in some of those past areas, there’s surely hope for the present ones.  Wherever you are today in your struggle, stop and remind yourself from whence you’ve come.  Reflect on the many blessings you’ve enjoyed and how God has protected you, provided for you and loved on you even when you didn’t deserve a thing.  He’s still there, holding out His arms to you, waiting for you to surrender and trust.  Hold fast.  His plans for you are good.  One of my meditations yesterday was, “God sometimes doesn’t change your situation, because He’s trying to change your heart.” Submit and see what happens!

Love you all!  Stay in touch!
