by Nancy LaPointe | Nov 5, 2015
Do you sense a change in the air? It’s not just the autumn breezes and golden leaves. I feel something in the atmosphere around me that’s different. I know that the spirit realm is alive and active, whether we can visually see it or not. We spiritually discern the...
by Nancy LaPointe | Oct 27, 2015
Today is a day of gratitude. Many of you have prayed for my husband throughout this journey with cancer. This trial of over four years has been one of sadness, disappointments, sickness, changes in our household, in our marriage, and in our thinking. I would...
by Nancy LaPointe | Oct 12, 2015
How are you doing these days? Today I feel the need for a personal check-up. One would think that since I spent years as a counselor I would stay on top of these things but truthfully, I get bogged down just like everybody else. As I examine myself and force my vision... by Nancy LaPointe | Oct 12, 2015
by Nancy LaPointe | Aug 17, 2015
With all the prophecies and warnings each day regarding the coming shaking of America, many of us look up and plead with God to inform us further. We feel inadequate in our preparations. We don’t really know how to prepare, though we know, because of the Spirit of God...