The state of affairs in the church

Wanted to share a blog from someone I highly respect in the Christian world. Welcome any comments. MICHAEL BOLDEA -DIMITRU DUDUMAN’S GRANDSON -THE STATE OF AFFAIRS IN THE CHURCH Friday, March 15, 2013 The State of Affairs If I write one more article on the state...

What are your favorite books?

I love books!! I especially love it when people are willing to share their life experiences and what they have learned from them. We need each other. Sometimes when I’m at my lowest, God leads me to someone’s testimony that I can really relate to, and it...

Waiting Rooms

This week I once again found myself sitting in waiting rooms. Waiting rooms are an entity all their own. Though I generally bring along a book, I’ve noticed that I am more fascinated by people watching. People just have a natural struggle against waiting. This...


Well, 2013 is off and running! I’m pretty excited about my new book coming out next week. I shared with friends and family about it and now am hoping to get the word out a bit further. The book, “Living in God’s Rest” is all about being set free from...