Well, 2013 is off and running! I’m pretty excited about my new book coming out next week. I shared with friends and family about it and now am hoping to get the word out a bit further. The book, “Living in God’s Rest” is all about being set free from worry, stress and anxiety. Truthfully, I’m still learning day by day. God keeps showing me new revelations in this area that apply to my own life and I felt that I needed to share them.

We can get so frenzied over politics, job issues and family stuff that before we know what has hit us, we’re having headaches, insomnia or other maladies. Trusting God’s sovereignty is a challenge. It’s easy to say we trust Him totally, but most of us, when walking through a fire, get a little fearful….or a lot. In the book I outline many suggestions for a transformation to entering His rest instead of entering our stress! We’re always a work in progress but little by little every day we have the ability to chart our progress and hopefully at the end of 2013, we’ll look back and see amazing change.

Hope you’ll get the book and see how your own progress goes. I welcome your comments. I certainly don’t claim to have all the answers. I do know that God has really worked in my life through these steps, so there’s no reason to keep them to myself. Just remember that we’re all unique and God works in us in unique ways, so seeking Him daily will reap rewards for your own life that may be somewhat different from mine. Whatever the case, I’m praying over all who order my book, that the Spirit will touch and speak and heal as the reader reads with an open heart towards Him.

In His Love,