Sharing testimonials from your life experiences has an impact on others. We often learn from others’ mistakes or trials, but more than that, we tend to feel better knowing we’re not the only ones who go through difficult times. Hearing how someone conquered the dragon, moved the mountain or tamed the beast, fuels our motivation to keep pushing on to victory.  

“He comforts us in our affliction, so that we may be able to comfort those who are in any kind of affliction, through the comfort we ourselves receive from God.”  2 Cor 1:4

God actually instructs us in how to comfort and encourage others, through His example of how He comforts us. So many times when I’ve been in the midst of a terrible trial, I suddenly am flooded with the peace that defies all understanding. I look up and thank Him because no amount of whining or complaining could bring me to that level of inner peace. He sends down hugs from above at just the perfect time.

To receive that divine encouragement, my soul has to be open to it. Because I know His love for me is unconditional and I know His plan for me is perfect, I can remain in a position of open heart and mind. That way whenever He chooses to minister to me I’m ready to receive.  If I am angry, unforgiving, doubting His care or otherwise closed off, I will not be graced with that blanket of peace.

If you find yourself in a trial today that is devoid of any peace or joy, stop, get your soul quieted before the Lord, and tell Him you’re ready and willing to receive from Him. He delights in that submission and rewards it amazingly. He might even have a few good surprises for you in your journey out of the depths.

“And may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is.” Eph 3:18