I’m happy to welcome this week’s guest blogger, Marcie Bridges, a gifted poet. I know you’ll be blessed by her work, as I am. NL
The Gift of Presence
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. John 14:27
It’s been a rough year. For many of us.
I’ve watched throughout this year as several friends have gone through heartache and heartbreak that just crushed my heart for them. There were no words to say. Except, I’m so sorry. And just when it seemed things would settle down and they could catch a breath, another tragedy, another loss, another set of bad news befell them. One step forward, 1,000 steps back.
They are the brave ones. The friends who still smile, they still love, they show us how to continue on when it feels like life is choking the stuffing out of you. I admire them so. I love them even more.
Someone recently asked me what I want for Christmas. And after much thought, here are my greatest wishes:
I want everyone to know my Jesus
the One who died for you and me
For everyone to have the gift
that truly sets us free.
I want to see my family
all gathered round the tree
To not just give each other presents
but the love and grace we need.
I want to see those hurting
find a peace only God can give
So that on this Christmas Day
Their hearts won’t be so sad and dim.
I want to be the person
that reaches out to those in need
Extends the hand of forgiveness
even when it is not asked of me.
I want my dearest friends
who’ve had the ache of loss
To feel our Savior’s arms
around them through this sorrow.
I want so many things like this
it is hard to make a list
But mostly I want for all of you
A very joyful Christmas!
~Marcell Warner Bridges
The greatest desire of my heart is that during this Christmas season and through whatever lies ahead for each of you, is that you will feel the gift of God’s presence each and every day. That you will know how wide, how long, how high and how deep the love of Christ is in your life. I pray you will feel His peace and His comfort in every hard situation, and you will rest in His loving arms always.
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, To all who call upon Him in truth.
Psalm 145:18
Merry Christmas with Love,
Marcie Bridges

Marcell (Marcie) Warner Bridges is a wife, mother, and currently a student at Lenoir-Rhyne University studying for her Bachelors of Arts in English with the goal of becoming an Editor.
Marcie began sharing her love of the Lord and His Word through poetry at a young age.
Portraying difficult or emotional topics through poetry she deeply desires to encourage others in their walk with the Lord through the written word. Marcie has been published in several anthologies and frequently shares her work through her blog: Heart Thoughts
http://marcieheartthoughts.blogspot.com Marcie can also be reached through email at mmkabrids@embarqmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/mwbheartthoughts
Twitter: https://twitter.com/marcie_bridges
Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MarcieBridges_writer