The LORD delights in those who trust him, who put their hope in his unfailing love. Psalm 147:11

Have you noticed lately an increase in the prayer requests you’re receiving? And not just the number, but the intensifying gravity of situations as well? Recently I’ve found myself interceding and sobbing over urgent text messages and emails like never before. Life is serious at times. I was going to describe to you some of my heart wrenching stories from the past two weeks, which included even my own family, but then I changed my mind. I think that if you are hurting and struggling over something painful, hearing other stories probably won’t make you feel better. But just know that you are not alone.

As I prayed about sharing a message of hope today, I was reminded that the Bible teaches us that in the world we will have trouble. Jesus said “take heart, I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) He has overcome the world! We haven’t quite gotten it yet. We struggle and battle through the painful attacks that hit us. The enemy of our soul is relentless. He kicks us when we’re down, shooting those flaming arrows right into an already bleeding wound—in short, he plays dirty. Many times we never see it coming. The other night I was awake and praying at 3 a.m., feeling a bit sorry for myself and asking God why certain things are hitting so hard. He reminded me that I teach about spiritual warfare and then I forget that I’m a target too!

God is our Abba (Daddy) Father. He loves us so much. He is always with us. He walks with us through the fires. He is our Comforter and our Strength in times of trouble. Often He allows certain situations in order to refine us, mature us or develop our faith because that’s what a good Father does. We don’t usually enjoy those times of discipline or teaching. We just want a happy, safe little world where nothing goes wrong.

The Bible teaches us that evil will abound in the last days. We are headed that direction and things will escalate as time goes on until the day Jesus returns for us. As believers, we must learn to be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10) We are in training for harder times coming. As we endure these difficult days, we are building strength and learning how to minister to others who are struggling. We are also learning how to stand strong regardless of what is happening around us. There was never a plan for life to be fun and easy all the time. If it was we would be shallow, immature, spoiled brats. He says He will never leave us nor forsake us. If we are His, and submit ourselves to Him, He will protect us, provide for us, shield us from the enemy, and lead us to victory over the darkness. He’s done it for me time and time again.

We must get up every morning alert and discerning, praying on the whole armor of God, pleading the blood of Jesus over ourselves and our families, feeding on the Word to build our faith, and then going out into the world armed and ready for the onslaught. (Ephesians 6:10-18) If and when we do all that, we are in a stronger position to face the things that come, and many times to ward them off, with His help. We lower the risk of being blind-sided or feeling hopeless.

The Lord sees your tears, hears your cries and is compassionate. Never doubt that. He is here for you. His arms are out to you, wanting you to trust Him and believe that He is faithful. Tell Him everything—your fears, your anger, your pleas for what seems right. He is listening and He loves you deeply. And, He is a rewarder of those who earnestly seek Him. (Hebrews 11:6) Expect good things; expect answers to your prayers. Expect His Presence to flood your soul with peace even when the issue is not yet resolved. That is worth so much!

If you need prayer and would like me to lift your needs to the Lord, please leave me a message on the “contact Nancy” link on this home page of my website. I will be honored to pray for you. You are not alone.